Thursday, February 17, 2011


Prom. Oh how that dreadful four letter word that coldly rattles my bones. It's a horror, and a wonder.
Recently I watched the movie, "Pretty In Pink", which is pretty much about this one girl who wants to go to prom because it's tradition but doesn't because it's stupid. Then the guy of her dreams asks her to go with him, little does she know that he had forgotten he had already asked another girl to prom. She's crushed, but determined to go to prove to the "beautiful people" that they have no broken her. Using her amazing sewing skills, with the help of fabric lent to her by her father and a good friend, she concocts a beautiful pink dress. Arriving at the doors of prom she walks in, and quickly becomes disheartened. Until she sees her best guy friend, who "secretly" loves her, is standing waiting for her. They both walk in together flaunting their pride, and then her dream boy realizes what a jerk he was and apologizes. Shortly after he leaves, her best friend tells her to go after him, because he only wants her to be happy. She reaches him in the nick of time, they kiss, the end.
I thought it was funny to be watching a movie about prom, when I soon will be going to prom myself. I almost feel like that girl. I want to go to prom because it's a one time thing...and this would be my last first dance to go to ever, besides my wedding of course. It would just be something special and hopefully memorable to go to. Especially since it's my senior year, it'd be extra special. Although the thought of having someone ask me is wonderful, I know no one will. But somehow I am content with that. Or at least trying to learn to be. I'm making up my mind to be fine with going alone, because there's no use moping about it. That won't get me, or anyone else, any where. What ever happens, happens.
Other facts of this event cause doubts to float in my mind. Like the cost. Not to mention the cost of prom itself, but the cost of the dress too. Freaking tons of money, money, money. I've told my parents I'm fine with not going because I know it's a lot of money...But they do insist on me going to this once in a life time thing. So I plan to find the cheapest dress possible! Another worry, it getting all glammed up. Wearing a beautiful dress, potentially looking...well hopefully, pretty. Wearing heels, wearing shimmery makeup, having my hair did, all while trying to dance without looking like a complete dork...Yeeeeaaah..just a WEE bit scary. For some reason, just thinking about wearing all that stuff, let alone actually wearing it, makes me feel oh SO uncomfortable. Another factor of the fear factor full night, would be if someone were to ask me to dance. Here's the thing...I can't dance. I try, I LOVE to...But I stink. I guess though, it doesn't matter. Really,non of that matters.
Although I still have strong feelings of not going, I will. All these worries, though taking over my mind, I know, are silly. Wearing a beautiful dress and feeling like a princess will bring joy to my heart. At least I will be able to feel like a princess before I get married, so I know a little of wait may come with it. Good practice I suppose!! :)