Monday, November 16, 2009

Where'd ya Go?

I seemed to have not been blogging in a while. Which I find quite alright since I know no one reads my blogs!! haha...(if you are reading this right now...sorry I called you a nobody. I really did not mean it!!:) Well I have not been that busy. Unfortunately I have been LAZY, with a capital Z. Recently I have been watching Vlogs by "SHAYTARDS". You may or may not have heard of them. They are hilarious. I would highly recommend watching them on youtube. They vlog about their daily lives as they go on, with no intention of awesomeness.Yet there is awesomeness in every part of their videos! Watching those videos has really encourgaged me to start vlogging myself. Even though, I lead an extremely ordinary, boring life. But hey, there could be somebody who finds it interesting.

Often I tell myself that no one will watch it. Everyone is gonna be like "what the heck, this girl sucks." I've just put those kind of thoughts in my head and that has caused me to be a bit hestitant in wanting to vlog. But I have indeed ridded myself of those evilly decieving thoughts and encouraged myself to gonna on and make the move. Also to help all those people who just spend their time watching other people's vlogs, wishing that they could be as cool as them. I want to bring encouragment to them and help them with their fears! I can not wait to start vlogging! : D

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