Thursday, November 18, 2010


{Just because you are not perfect, does not mean you are not beautiful!}
Every day I struggle with the other girl in the mirror. I look into her eyes and think, "Hey...I guess shes not that ugly". Within five minutes I turn back, "Who am I kidding?". I begin to believe that I will never be pretty enough for anyone. At the same moment I try to build myself up of how good looking I am, while tearing other people down. I know it's wrong. Hating myself for even thinking that way, I fall to my knees in tears. Of the fake-ness I'm trying to make myself believe, and the extreme falseness I ploy onto my own loving friends. I've seen into the heart of this evil. The cruelty that has been embedded into my mind is not something I created. The media has conditioned my brain into thinking I am a worthless, plain, and ugly girl that no one could ever love.

Through movies, television, magazines, internet, and clothing stores people are taught to believe that beauty is having the perfect body. Without the best clothing, amazing hair, and expensive makeup, you are not beautiful. You are then, a low, worthless, rag doll no one should waste their time on. You are ugly. You don't have big boobs, a nicely shaped butt, a hour-glass shaped figure, you are nothing.

If only the media knew how much young women, and girls are affected by all this. In fact, they do know. They know girls loath themselves, and buy everything to make them think they are beautiful and aren't ugly anymore. Why? Why do they want girls feeling like they need to fix everything about themselves? One word. Money.

Just like everything else in this country, it's all because of money. Sure, you can be a "beautiful" looking woman, if you just buy this, and this and, oh this too! The sad thing is...We've done it. We've bought the clothes. We've bought the makeup. What we've really bought into though, are the lies.

Real beauty can not be bought. It's a gift that is given, for FREE. Everyone,(And yes...I mean EVERYONE) is beautiful, and has beauty. You may disagree with me and think, "Yeah..well, you haven't seen this one girl I know...she is probably, the ugliest person ALIVE." You know what...You my friend, are utterly wrong.

Beauty is not necessarily something that is seen on the outside. Although, I do believe that every single person's outer shell, on this very earth, IS beautiful. With that being said, beauty is not just looks as everyone thinks. It's something more than that. And you don't really understand what real beauty is until you've actually experienced it or have seen it, in not the way you would think too. It's so much more than anything you could ever think up. So much more than you could ever dream.

I always try to find beauty in everything.

Although sometimes I struggle with my own self image, and I get caught up in the media, and all that stuff that will never really matter, I still try to find beauty. I stop looking in the mirror with a critical eye. I stop thinking I'm better than everyone else. I realize that this is the body I was given, I can't change it, no matter how much I want to, I just can't. And I am beautiful because I was made by Someone perfect, and he knows that I really am. Thought it's hard to remember that all the time, when I do, it's easier to get on with life and think about the important things. Like loving other beautiful people for who they are no matter what their shell, or life style. Beauty is in everything, just not everyone can see it. If you look for beauty, you will find it.

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