Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Walk A Mile In Yours

I wish so much to be able to walk a mile in EVERYONE'S shoes. I want to learn about how people have come to be who they are today, and how things happened for them. Also, I feel if I could become that person I would truly be able to understand them fully. Where they're coming from, why they live the way they do. Everything. Well I guess to an extent. Even living them for only as short as one day would be enough.

I love people so much. I respect them. I want them to know, I don't want to judge them. I want to know, understand, and be able to communicate with them before anything. To learn about a difference someone is making, a struggle one is having, or even just a little tid-bit about their ordinary life interests me so much, you wouldn't even think it's even possible.

Truly and wholly loving someone for who they are, in spite of all their faults and problems is something I want to obtain. Even if they are the misfit that no one likes to be around. Or if they're so utterly mean. I don't want any of that to matter. Those are not what make people, people. Those are just little bumps, road blocks, that people put up to guard themselves. Once you get passed those minor things, you begin to see what God has made. You begin to see the beauty of the person, and become in one understanding of all of them.

That is something I desperately long to have.

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