Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Vegetarian for a Month

Hello all you blog readers our there! I just wanted to inform you all who read my blog, that I will be doing a special blog in January.

In January my sister and I are going to be vegetarians till February. I will be blogging about it every day. I'll tell you what things I made, the recipes and updates on how I'm feeling.

Only from the 6th-13th will I not be able to blog, because i will be in a different country where computers are not available. So I will blog before I leave, and when I come back I will start blogging again!

I hope that you guys will enjoy these blogs! : )

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Cell phones and Crazy Drivers.

What the hell is up with everyone having a cell phone glued to their hand 24/7? Almost everywhere I look when I go to the store, I see someone with a cellphone either texting or talking on it. Like it's attached to their body. Seriously people, seriously. I am a teen age girl and I don't even have a cell phone.

I hate when people are using their cellphone in stores because a lot of the time they are totally oblivious to what is going on around them. "HELLO, YOU'RE RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ISLE AND YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE, MUCH LESS HEAR ME. AHHH" So then you have to turn around and go through the other isle just to get down to the isle you originally wanted to get to. Can you tell it annoys me? I understand if their calling someone and trying to figure out what to buy or whatever...but having a serious conversation or something...I mean...come on, can't you wait till you're at home?

Since I've moved to this new state, I have notice how much crazier people drive. Yep, you guessed it, that annoys me too!! :P On regular roads, someone will be behind you, so they HAVE to pass you, just to get up in front of you and move where they could have gone if they stayed behind me. (That whole sentence probably made no sense at all...sorry..haha) Anyways...I just felt like getting that off my chest!!..ahhh i feel much better now! : D

Oh What a Bitter Feeling

Lately I've been feeling a tad bit bitter towards some of my friends. I really have no reason to feel bitter towards them other than they haven't talked to me much lately. But then again I haven't talked to them.

I hate having that kind of mind set. "I won't talk to anyone so I can see who talks to me so I can know who really wants to be my friend..." NO. That is such a wrong approach. I know this from experience, of course. My mind is certainly set like that sometimes. I hate it. I try to fix it. Eventually I forget and get back into the mind set once again. It's terrible, terrible I say!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I Hate You

I hate you.
You are the most selfish person I have ever met. Everything you do is self motivated in some way. You obviously could careless about anyone or anything. You put on this goody goody act. You act like you care like you really want to know. But all you really care about is yourself. You think about yourself and how you can improve your life. You think about how you're better then anyone. You try to wear things to get YOU noticed. You take to notice how you don't get seen in public. You take notice to how you barely get anything whenever everyone gets more stuff. You are a selfish bitch, and I hate you with my heart. I don't know if you will ever change. I hate you. The you I me.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Enraging Emotions

Possibly it is just I. Possibly it is because I'm a girl. Or possibly it is just how humans in general are.

What I am possibly talking about is emotions. Everyone has them...don't they?

You know what I hate? Emotions. They complicate life. They make everything more worse then it needs to be. Some emotions are good, and you can deal with them. But some of the enraged emotions that we get, are...ridiculous. could just be me. But I highly doubt that, I am the only person who's emotions go up and down like a roller coaster.

Obviously you know the term emo...Emo is short for emotions. Yet...people say that emo's wear darkish clothing and ...well I guess they would be kinda emotional. But anyways. I think that almost everyone is emo...for at least some point in their life. Even if you don't dress the part. Everyone has enraging emotions in their life some time or other. it's true!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is This Not Enough?

Is this not enough? Am I just failing at what I wish to think?
Is this suppose to happen? Am I suppose to feel like I just want to give up?
Is what I think not right? Am I the most wrong of anyone?
Is what I think only going to lead me to something bad? Am I not giving enough?

How much more do you want? How much more do I have to give?
Is it because I don't read the bible enough? Is it because I pray hardly ever?
Is what I want to be the answer, really off from the question? Does any of this make sense?
Are my questions too much? Am I not enough?
Is my opinion causing me to second guess it? Will I ever get this right?
How many more times does this have to happen until I understand? A day? A year? My whole life?

Have the books I've read caused me to become more confused then I should be?

Why do I have to get so lost?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Is it just me?

You know those people, who talk about how God sent them money at the right time. How at the very worst moment he saved them from doing something really bad? Yeah, well I'm not one of those people...and I don't get it.

Do I have to be almost dying for God to do something in my life? What do I have to do, to experience God in the way that it seems like so many others have experienced? Am I just not good enough? Do I fail at living for God or something? He seems to bless everyone else.

Oh, and you know when people say how God talked to them? Yeah, not me either. How do you know that God was the one who talked to you?How do you know that it was he who told you to do something?Just how do you know?

Is He not talking to me, not blessing me, because I'm not praying enough? Because I don't go to church? Because I don't read the Bible? Because I totally am failing at life right now? Is it just me?