Friday, December 18, 2009

Enraging Emotions

Possibly it is just I. Possibly it is because I'm a girl. Or possibly it is just how humans in general are.

What I am possibly talking about is emotions. Everyone has them...don't they?

You know what I hate? Emotions. They complicate life. They make everything more worse then it needs to be. Some emotions are good, and you can deal with them. But some of the enraged emotions that we get, are...ridiculous. could just be me. But I highly doubt that, I am the only person who's emotions go up and down like a roller coaster.

Obviously you know the term emo...Emo is short for emotions. Yet...people say that emo's wear darkish clothing and ...well I guess they would be kinda emotional. But anyways. I think that almost everyone is emo...for at least some point in their life. Even if you don't dress the part. Everyone has enraging emotions in their life some time or other. it's true!

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