Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Depressing Hope

A Depressing Hope

A constant strain, a continuing stress
I tried so hard to win over this contest

Not a win, but a fail
I was trying so hard not to wail

The hurt, the fright
I don’t think I can put up with this fight

From standing tall to feeling small
I can’t deal with this one bit, not at all

Barely able to hold myself steady
Breathing heavy, I’m not even ready

Something I can’t reach out and touch
Something moving far away from my clutch

It’s pulling and tugging right at my back
The heart breaking thought to never look back

The heart wrenching pain of losing this feeling
The love from my heart is slowly peeling

I need a love that will hold fast and strong
One where I know that nothing could go wrong

My heart has stopped, with no thought in my head
I’m so afraid to check my pulse I think I’m….dead

No hope or thoughts, deep inside my mind
Love and kindness, I can not find

Then I hear a voice whispered by my ear
A voice so calm and soft I cold barely hear

I listened close, I listened intently
It spoke of a marvelous hope and joy, ever so frequently

Dead as I may be
A great faith and hope was given to me

I finally feel I should fight for my life
No more thinking of outer beauty, no more perfecting my life

I feel a great wind has nourished my body
Breathing once more with a beautiful love with me

A feeling of warmth, hydration, and light
And away from the darkness that over took my life

This light, love and joy has filled me with hope from above
Hope to live on, and always feel loved.

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