Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mind Madness

Do you ever have those moments when someone is asking you a question, and you can't answer it? Maybe you could have answered it yesterday, or maybe you could answer it tomorrow. But just right at that moment you have no idea what to say.

Mind Madness. That should be what it's called. Because that's basically what happens. Your mind becomes, almost mad, and you can't control it because you don't know what it's doing or thinking. You can't gather the thoughts you've been holding in for the perfect moment, and then finally when it comes. BOOM. Your words are a jungling mess.

I hate when those moments creep up on me. I feel so terrible with not knowing what to say. So instead of saying some intelligent answer I simple reply," I don't know". It's so horrible, and it bugs the crap out of my friends. But sometimes I just simply do not know how to answer a simple question. The result of not knowing what to say, causes me to get frustrated and then I feel the need to scream. Of course I don't scream, but almost...

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